Search Results - christina+bailey-hytholt

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A Novel Liposomal Formulation to Target Candida
Overview The yeast Candida lives on the skin and in many places inside the human body, often without causing any health problems. However, it can cause infections, especially if it reaches the bloodstream. Shukla and colleagues have developed a liposomal formulation containing a novel targeting peptide for delivering antifungal treatments inside the...
Published: 6/4/2023   |   Inventor(s): Anita Shukla, Noel Vera-Gonzalez, Sarah Cowles, Christina Bailey-Hytholt, Eli Silvert
Category(s): Drug Delivery
Placental lipid bilayer for cell-free molecular interaction studies
­Overview Researchers and clinicians have a need for in vitro or in vivo tools to quantify placental interactions at the molecular scale. Lipid bilayers have been used to model biological interfaces, including those in the liver, red blood cells or myelin. We have developed a lipid bilayer that mimics the lipid composition of the placenta. Market...
Published: 10/17/2022   |   Inventor(s): Anita Shukla, Christina Bailey-Hytholt, Anubhav Tripathi
Category(s): Drug Delivery, Research Tools
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