Search Results - Software

23 Results Sort By:
Sequence-to-Sequence Language Grounding of Non-Markovian Task Specifications
Overview There are existing ways to translate a person’s instructions for a robot into a series of logical functions that the machine can execute to achieve the goal, such as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). Such approaches are powerful, but they are also technical and complex; a non-expert could not be expected to learn this language to communicate...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stefanie Tellex
Category(s): Robotics, Software
Probabilistic Object Models for Robust, Repeatable Pick-and-Place
Overview Picking up an object is one of the simplest tasks a person can perform. For a robot, however, such a task requires a suite of surprisingly complex abilities. The machine must have a capable grasping hand capable of exerting just the right amount of force—enough to avoid dropping the object, but not so much as to crush it. The robot must...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stefanie Tellex, John Oberlin
Category(s): Robotics, Software
Multi-Object Search Using Object-Oriented POMDPs
Overview The robots of the future may be called upon to search for a variety of objects and to do so in unfamiliar territory. An established method called Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) allows a robot to make decisions in the correct order even faced with uncertain conditions. However, these POMDPs struggle to keep pace...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stefanie Tellex, Arthur Richard Wandzel
Category(s): Robotics, Software, Natural Language Processing
Accurately and Efficiently Interpreting Human-Robot Instructions of Varying Granularities
Overview Robots that work alongside humans must be able to understand directions and instructions in natural language. But not all instructions are created equal. For example, a human operating a forklift intuitively understands the difference between what researchers would call a high-level action, like “grab a pallet,” and a low-level...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stefanie Tellex, Lawson Wong, Nakul Gopalan, Dilip Arumugam, Siddharth Karamcheti
Category(s): Robotics, Natural Language Processing, Software
Context-Aware Self-Calibration for Autonomous Control of Assistive Devices
Overview Existing assistive devices for people with severe motor disabilities rely heavily on residual motor function. Recent brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), which decode neural activity directly from the brain, provide disabled persons with limited ability to autonomously control assistive devices. We have invented a neural interface system that...
Published: 5/21/2023   |   Inventor(s): Beata Jarosiewicz, Nicolas Masse, Daniel Bacher, Anish Sarma
Category(s): Software, Neurotechnology
iBCI System to Control Multiple Devices
­Overview Until now, brain computer interface (BCI) systems have allowed people with paralysis to control only a single device, often under the guidance of a caretaker or secondary operator. Our novel BCI system enables users to control multiple devices, switching among them under their own volition. Market Opportunity Numerous intracortical...
Published: 12/21/2022   |   Inventor(s): Leigh Hochberg, Tyler Singer-Clark, Ronnie Gross, Anastasia Kapitonava, John Simeral, Thomas Hosman
Category(s): Software, Neurotechnology
MyCOVIDRisk Mobile App—A Novel Risk Estimation and Mitigation Tool
Overview Launched in Oct. 2020, our publicly available MyCOVIDRisk mobile app has been accessed more than 1.3 million times, demonstrating high acceptance of a free and simple web-based mobile app to estimate and mitigate risk of SARS-CoV-19 transmission. Market Opportunity During the COVID-19 pandemic, the rapidly changing science and public health...
Published: 11/1/2022   |   Inventor(s): Megan Ranney
Category(s): Software
SOCKS (Statistical Outlier Curation Kernel Software): A Modern, Efficient Tool for Outlier Detection and Curation
Overview Real-world signal acquisition through sensors is at the heart of the modern digital world, yet almost every signal acquisition system is contaminated with noise and outliers. Our data “sanitizer” tool provides a way to obtain uncorrupted observations. Market Opportunity It is increasingly evident that clarity of digital information...
Published: 11/1/2022   |   Inventor(s): Prasanta Pal, Judson Brewer
Category(s): Research Tools, Software
A novel technology-augmented intervention to prevent peer violence and depressive symptoms among at-risk emergency department adolescents iDove2 Intervention Protocol (Adolescent)
­Digital Health Intervention to Improve Well-Being and Reduce Depression Among Adolescents Seen in Emergency Department Overview Depressive symptoms and related problems are increasingly common among American youth. Yet no one has developed a mobile app that provides accessible, effective prevention interventions that teens will actually use....
Published: 6/2/2022   |   Inventor(s): Megan Ranney
Category(s): Software
Intervention to Prevent Adolescent Cyber-victimization through App-messaging (IMPACT)
­Digital Health Intervention to Improve Well-being and Reduce Cyberbullying Among Adolescents Overview Cyberbullying and depressive symptoms are increasingly common, interrelated problems among American youth; COVID has only heightened the reliance of youth on social media, as well as their mental distress. Our novel two-part app-based cybervictimization...
Published: 6/2/2022   |   Inventor(s): Megan Ranney
Category(s): Software
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