Search Results - blanche+ip

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Two Compartment Model for Detecting the Toxicity of Liver Metabolites
Overview Liver toxicity is a significant reason many new drugs fail in clinical trials. Primary human hepatocytes (PHHs) are the current gold standard for in vitro liver models; however, they have a number of limitations. We have invented an easy-to-use two-compartment device that provides in vitro 3D high-throughput prediction for safety assessments...
Published: 5/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Kim Boekelheide, Jeffrey Morgan, Blanche Ip, Susan Hall, Hui Li
Category(s): Diagnostics
Method for Making Small Diameter Living Tubes
Overview We have developed a funnel-guide device for the noncontact manipulation and positioning of multicellular microtissues, to build macrotissues layer by layer. One specific application is the fabrication of biological tubes. Market Opportunity A long-standing problem in 3D tissue engineering is how to fabricate large tissue constructs with...
Published: 12/21/2022   |   Inventor(s): Jeffrey Morgan, Kali Manning, Blanche Ip
Category(s): Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
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