The acidification of cancer microenvironments is a well-known characteristic of solid tumors. Our novel hydrogel systems restore pH homeostasis by reducing pH levels within the tumor, thereby limiting drug resistance and metastasis.
Market Opportunity
Solid tumors grow faster than the blood supply to them, causing formation of a microenvironment within the tumor. This increases production of metabolic acids, decreasing pH levels outside the tumor cells while increasing pH levels inside the cells. Therefore, a potential strategy for treating cancer is to neutralize the pH in the tumor environment.
Innovation and Meaningful Advantages
Our novel bicarbonate-modified Gellan and PEG hydrogels regulate the pH of their surrounding solution. We have demonstrated their ability to regulate an engineered acidic tumor microenvironment by increasing its pH level. An in vitro study shows that the PEGDA hydrogels loaded with sodium bicarbonate significantly improved the chemotherapeutic efficacy of doxorubicin. Our results point the way to the development of a simple, effective, and biocompatible cancer treatment using bicarbonate-modified hydrogels.
In a nonmedical context, our hydrogels have the potential to contribute to renewable energy through the production of hydrogen. Energy generated by burning hydrogen is perhaps most relevant to the auto industry, where switching from the gasoline engine to hydrogen power requires little change to the industry infrastructure.
Collaboration Opportunity
We are interested in exploring 1) startup opportunities with investors; 2) research collaborations with leading pharmaceutical companies; and 3) licensing opportunities with companies.
Principal Investigator
Vikas Srivastava, PhD
Assistant Professor of Engineering
Brown University
IP Information
US Utility US 2022-0313714 A1, Published August 6, 2022
Melissa Simon, PhD
Director of Business Development
Brown Tech ID 3140